Internal Quality Assurance Cell (GDC Kupwara NAAC Acredited Grade "A" CGPA 3.15)
About Us
As per UGC norms an IQAC cell has been framed to look after the overall development of the college in all its spheres. The worthy principal of the college is chairman of IQAC. Besides maintaining and evaluating the overall functioning of the college, it collects feedback from various quarters for making improvement in the academic atmosphere of the institution. In order to remain aware of the progress an academic front Academic Audit is conducted annually. Teachers are encouraged and persuaded to participate in academic conferences, seminars, work shops in order to improve the quality of teaching-learning process. The faculty makes untiring efforts to provide the qualitative education for the students.
* Academic Calender 2022-23
Coordinator IQAC
IQAC, as an internal organ, provides support and help to bring in qualitative change in the activities of the College. The College is an excellent provider of quality education and training in making education relevant to the emerging needs of the society. From the beginning the cell has made efforts at improving teaching learning process by imbibing the students with experience for study and growth. IQAC always welcome the valuable suggestions and feedback of any kind to improve the Internal Quality of the College
Dr. Irshad Ahmad Lone
Coordinator IQAC
Minutes of Meetings
Contact Us
Cell: 9906417819

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